Source code for triqs_maxent.kernels

# TRIQS application maxent
# Copyright (C) 2018 Gernot J. Kraberger
# Copyright (C) 2018 Simons Foundation
# Authors: Gernot J. Kraberger and Manuel Zingl
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

This module provides kernels for the analytic continuation.
In general, we have :math:`G_i = \sum_j K_{ij} H_j`.
Note that for non-uniform :math:`\omega`-grids, :math:`H = A \Delta\omega`.

At the moment, only the kernel for the continuation of :math:`G(\tau)`
is implemented, i.e., the :py:class:`.TauKernel`.

For any kernel the preblur version can be used by the :py:class:`.PreblurKernel`
(see :ref:`preblur`).

import numpy as np
from .preblur import *

[docs] class KernelSVD(object): """ A kernel object with a singular value decomposition Parameters ---------- K : array the kernel matrix """ def __init__(self, K=None): self._U = None self._S = None self._V = None self._K = K self._last_threshold = None
[docs] def svd(self): """ Perform the SVD if not yet performed Usually, this function does not need to be called by the user. We have :math:`K = USV^\dagger`. """ if self._U is None: self._U, self._S, self._V = np.linalg.svd(self.K, full_matrices=False) self._V = self._V.transpose() # due to different conventions return (self._U, self._S, self._V)
@property def U(self): """ Get the matrix of left-singular vectors of the kernel If not performed already, the SVD is done. """ if self._U is None: self.svd() return self._U @property def S(self): """ Get the vector of singular values of the kernel If not performed already, the SVD is done. """ if self._S is None: self.svd() return self._S @property def V(self): """ Get the matrix of right-singular vectors of the kernel If not performed already, the SVD is done. """ if self._V is None: self.svd() return self._V @property def K(self): """ The actual kernel matrix """ return self._K
[docs] def reduce_singular_space(self, threshold=1.e-14): """ Reduce the singular space All singular values smaller than the ``threshold`` are dropped from ``S``, ``U``, ``V``. Parameters ---------- threshold : float the threshold for dropping singular values """ if self._last_threshold is not None: if threshold is None or threshold < self._last_threshold: self._U = None self._V = None self._S = None self._last_threshold = threshold L = np.where(self.S >= threshold)[0] self._U = self._U[:, L] self._S = self._S[L] self._V = self._V[:, L] return self
[docs] class Kernel(KernelSVD): """ The kernel for the analytic continuation """ def __init__(self): super(Kernel, self).__init__() = None self._T = None @property def K_delta(self): """ The kernel including a :math:`\Delta\omega`. Use this to get the reconstructed Green function as :math:`G_{rec} = K_{delta} A`. Note that it does not get rotated with :py:meth:`.transform`, i.e. it gives back the original :math:`G_{rec}`. """ return self._K_delta @property def data_variable(self): raise NotImplemented("Use a subclass of Kernel")
[docs] def parameter_change(self): r""" Notify the kernel of a parameter change This should be called when, e.g., the data variable (e.g., :math:`\tau`) or the omega-mesh is changed. """ self._fill_values()
def _fill_values(self): raise NotImplemented("Use a subclass of Kernel")
[docs] def transform(self, T_): """ multiply the kernel from the left with the matrix ``T_`` ``T_`` is the absolute rotation with respect to the unrotated quantities """ if T_ is None: if self._T is not None: T = self._T.conjugate().transpose() else: return else: if self._T is not None: T =, self._T.conjugate().transpose()) else: T = T_ self._T = T_ self._U =, self.U) self._K =, self._K)
[docs] class DataKernel(Kernel): r""" A kernel given by a matrix Parameters ---------- data_variable : array the array of the data variable, i.e. the variable that the input-data depends on; typically, one continues :math:`G(\tau)`, then this would correspond to the :math:`\tau`-grid. omega : OmegaMesh the frequency mesh K : array the kernel matrix """ def __init__(self, data_variable, omega, K): super(DataKernel, self).__init__() self._data_variable = data_variable = omega self._K = K self._K_delta = np.einsum('ij,j->ij', self._K, @property def data_variable(self): return self._data_variable
[docs] class TauKernel(Kernel): r""" A kernel for continuing :math:`G(\tau)` This kernel is defined as .. math:: K(\tau, \omega) = - \frac{\exp(-\tau\omega)}{1 + \exp(\beta \omega)}. With this, we have .. math:: G(\tau) = \int d\omega\, K(\tau, \omega) A(\omega). Parameters ---------- tau : array the :math:`\tau`-mesh where the data is given omega : OmegaMesh the :math:`\omega`-mesh where the spectral function should be calculated beta : float the inverse temperature; if not given, it is taken to be the last ``tau``-value """ def __init__(self, tau, omega, beta=None): super(TauKernel, self).__init__() self.tau = tau = omega self.beta = beta self._fill_values() def _fill_values(self): # invalidate U, S, V self._U = None self._S = None self._V = None beta = self.beta if beta is None: beta = self.tau[-1] oomega, ttau = np.meshgrid(, self.tau) # we implement two different (mathematically equivalent) expressions # for K depending on the sign of omega, for numerical reasons L = oomega >= 0.0 iL = np.where(L) nL = np.where(np.logical_not(L)) self._K = np.empty(oomega.shape) self._K[iL] = -np.exp(-oomega[iL] * ttau[iL]) / \ (np.exp(-beta * oomega[iL]) + 1.0) self._K[nL] = -np.exp(oomega[nL] * (beta - ttau[nL])) / \ (1.0 + np.exp(beta * oomega[nL])) # include trapz integration in the kernel self._K_delta = np.einsum('ij,j->ij', self._K, T = self._T self._T = None # if self._T is set, the kernel should be transformed self.transform(T) @property def data_variable(self): r""" :math:`\tau` """ return self.tau @data_variable.setter def data_variable(self, value): self.tau = value
[docs] class IOmegaKernel(Kernel): r""" A kernel for continuing :math:`G(i\omega)` This kernel is defined as .. math:: K(i\omega, \omega) = \frac{1}{i\omega - \omega} With this, we have .. math:: G(i\omega) = \int d\omega\, K(i\omega, \omega) A(\omega). Parameters ---------- iomega : array the :math:`iomega`-mesh where the data is given (as a real array, i.e. it is internally multiplied by ``1.0j``) omega : OmegaMesh the :math:`\omega`-mesh where the spectral function should be calculated beta : float the inverse temperature; if not given, it is taken from the difference of the first two :math:`i\omega` values """ def __init__(self, iomega, omega, beta=None): super(IOmegaKernel, self).__init__() self.iomega = iomega = omega self.beta = beta self._fill_values() def _fill_values(self): # invalidate U, S, V self._U = None self._S = None self._V = None beta = self.beta if beta is None: beta = 2 * np.pi / (self.iomega[1] - self.iomega[0]) oomega, iiomega = np.meshgrid(, self.iomega) self._K = np.empty(oomega.shape) self._K = 1.0 / (1.0j * iiomega - oomega) # include trapz integration in the kernel self._K_delta = np.einsum('ij,j->ij', self._K, T = self._T self._T = None # if self._T is set, the kernel should be transformed self.transform(T) @property def data_variable(self): r""" :math:`i\omega` """ return self.iomega @data_variable.setter def data_variable(self, value): self.iomega = value
[docs] class PreblurKernel(Kernel): """ A kernel for the preblur formalism In the preblur formalism, the equation :math:`G = KA` is replaced by :math:`G = KBH`, with a hidden image :math:`H` and a blur matrix :math:`B`. The dicretization of :math:`\omega` has to be accounted for by including a :math:`\Delta\omega`. In fact, the total equation is :math:`G_i = \sum_{jk} K_{ij} \Delta\omega_j B_{jk} H_k`, where :math:`H_k` already includes a :math:`\Delta\omega_k`. Note that the ``PreblurKernel`` should always be used together with the :py:class:`.PreblurA_of_H`. Parameters ---------- K : :py:class:`Kernel` the kernel to use up to the preblur matrix (e.g. a :py:class:`.TauKernel` instance) b : float the blur parameter, i.e., the width of the Gaussian that the hidden image is convolved with to get the blurred spectral function """ def __init__(self, K, b): KernelSVD.__init__(self) self._T = None self.kernel = K self._b = b self._fill_values()
[docs] def parameter_change(self): self.kernel.parameter_change() self._fill_values()
def _fill_values(self): # invalidate U, S, V self._U = None self._S = None self._V = None self._B = get_preblur(, self._b) self._K =, np.einsum('ij,i->ij', self._B, self._K_delta = self.kernel.K_delta
[docs] def transform(self, T): self.kernel.transform(T) self._fill_values()
def get_omega(self): return def set_omega(self, omega): = omega omega = property(get_omega, set_omega) @property def data_variable(self): return self.kernel.data_variable @data_variable.setter def data_variable(self, value): self.kernel.data_variable = value