The TRIQS library is a part of our scientific work and we kindly request that projects using it include a citation to the following paper
TRIQS: A Toolbox for Research on Interacting Quantum SystemsO. Parcollet, M. Ferrero, T. Ayral, H. Hafermann, I. Krivenko, L. Messio, and P. Seth
To facilitate citations we provide a BibTeX file
that includes the above reference,
as well references for various TRIQS applications and Numerical Algorithms.
If you find TRIQS useful, giving proper reference and citation is indeed a simple way to help convincing funding sources that such projects are useful for our community and should be supported.
TRIQS is published under the GNU General Public License, version 3. Note that it implies that applications using TRIQS must also be GPL.
As stated by the License, the program is provided as is, i.e. WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind, as stated in the license. In particular, its authors and contributors will take no responsability for any possible bugs or any improper use of these programs, including those resulting in incorrect scientific publications.
Logo files
This is the official TRIQS logo:

Official version with all white colors to be used on colored background:

Various other file formats for the logo (including high-resolution svg and pdf files), and files only for the spin icon can be found here.