
Functions to construct Coulomb tensors


U_J_to_radial_integrals(l, U_int, J_hund)

Determine the radial integrals F_k from U_int and J_hund.

U_matrix_kanamori(n_orb, U_int, J_hund[, ...])

Calculate the Kanamori two-index interaction matrix for parallel spins:

U_matrix_slater(l[, radial_integrals, ...])

Calculate the full four-index U matrix

angular_matrix_element(l, k, m1, m2, m3, m4)

Calculate the angular matrix element

clebsch_gordan(jm1, jm2, jm3)

Calculate the Clebsh-Gordan coefficient


Get the names of the cubic harmonics.

eg_submatrix(U[, convention])

Extract the eg submatrix of the full d-manifold two- or four-index U matrix.

radial_integrals_to_U_J(l, F)

Determine U_int and J_hund from the radial integrals.


Reduces the four-index matrix to two-index matrices for parallel and anti-parallel spins.

spherical_to_cubic(l[, convention])

Get the spherical harmonics to cubic harmonics transformation matrix.

subarray(a, idxlist[, n])

Extract a subarray from a matrix-like object.

t2g_submatrix(U[, convention])

Extract the t2g submatrix of the full d-manifold two- or four-index U matrix.

three_j_symbol(jm1, jm2, jm3)

Calculate the three-j symbol

transform_U_matrix(U_matrix, T)

Transform a four-index interaction matrix into another basis.