Motivation: a little tour of CLEF
As usual, the best is to start with a few examples, to show the library in action.
#include <nda/clef.hpp>
#include <nda/nda.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
int main() {
// Declaring some placeholders (i.e. dummy variables).
nda::clef::placeholder<0> i_;
nda::clef::placeholder<1> j_;
// Declaring a 3x3 matrix
nda::matrix<double> A(3, 3);
// Automatically filling the matrix
// -> forget about the bounds, it is automatic
// -> forget about the best order to order the for loops for performance, it is also automatic
A(i_, j_) << i_ + 2 * j_;
// Cheking the result
std::cout << A << std::endl;
// It also works for std container: we just have to add a call clef::make_expr function
std::vector<double> V(10);
double pi = std::acos(-1);
// Automatically filling the vector with the evaluation of the expression in i_
nda::clef::make_expr(V)[i_] << cos(2 * pi / 5.0 * i_);
// -> by the way, the constant calculation is precomputed
// (expressions are partially evaluated as soon as possible)
// illustration :
// the time_consuming_function will be called only once in the loop, while cos is called 10 times
auto time_consuming_function = [](double x) {
std::cout << "call time_consuming_function" << std::endl;
return 2 * x;
nda::clef::make_expr(V)[i_] << cos(time_consuming_function(10) * i_);
// If you insist using on more complex containers...
std::vector<std::vector<double>> W(3, std::vector<double>(5));
nda::clef::make_expr(W)[i_][j_] << i_ + cos(time_consuming_function(10) * j_ + i_);
call time_consuming_function
call time_consuming_function