- class
Mesh of imaginary times
Mesh-points are evenly distributed in the interval [0,beta] including points at both edges.
- Parameters:
beta (float) – Inverse temperature
statistic (str) – Statistic, ‘Fermion’ or ‘Boson’
n_tau (int) – Number of mesh-points
Signature : () -> MeshImTime Make a copy (clone) of self |
Signature : (MeshImTime other) -> None Assignment |
Signature : (imtime::index_t index) -> imtime::data_index_t Function to convert an index to a data index |
Signature : (imtime::data_index_t data_index) -> imtime::index_t Function to convert a data index to an index |
Signature : (imtime::index_t index) -> imtime::value_t index -> value |
Signature : () -> PyObject * A numpy array of all the values of the mesh points |