Interaction with CLEF expressions
The gf containers and their view classes can be used with the ../clef/contents library:
They can be called with CLEF expressions.
Automatic assignment has been set up.
Using the CLEF library offers a quick and efficient way to fill an array with multiple advantages:
It is simpler and more readeable than a series of for loops.
It is more optimal since the loops are automatically written in the best order for memory traversal.
#include <triqs/gfs.hpp>
#include <triqs/mesh.hpp>
using namespace triqs::gfs;
using namespace triqs;
using nda::clef::placeholder;
int main() {
// Cf gf<imfreq> specialisation page for the constructor
double beta = 10;
int Nfreq = 100;
auto g = gf<imfreq>{{beta, Fermion, Nfreq}, {1, 1}};
// Filling the gf with something...
placeholder<0> wn_;
g(wn_) << 1 / (wn_ + 2);
g(wn_) << 1 / (wn_ + 2 + g(wn_));
The LHS uses () and not brackets, even though it is on the mesh, because of the strange C++ limitation that [] cannot be overloaded for several variables…