Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Simons Foundation
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Authors: Alexander Hampel, Harrison LaBollita, Nils Wentzell

import numpy as np

from scipy.optimize import minimize, NonlinearConstraint

from import (
from import MeshDLRImFreq, MeshDLRImTime, MeshDLR

from triqs.utility import mpi

import warnings

warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='delta_grad == 0.0. Check if the approximated function is linear.')

[docs] def minimize_dyson( G0_dlr, G_dlr, Sigma_moments, method='trust-constr', options=dict(maxiter=5000, disp=True, gtol=1e-32, xtol=1e-100, finite_diff_rel_step=1e-20), **kwargs, ): """ Contrained Residual Minimization Dyson solver as described in Defines the Dysons equation as an optimization problem: G - G0 - G0*Σ*G = 0 and solves it using scipy.optimize.minimize using the DLR representation for the Green's functions. The solver optimizes only the dynamic part of the self-energy Σ_dyn(iν)= Σ(iν) - Σ_0. Here, Σ_0 is the Hartree shift. If provided the second moment Σ_1 is used as a non-linear constraint in the solver. The moments can be explicitly calculated in the impurity solver, see for example the `cthyb high frequency moments tutorial <>`_ . Alternatively the moments can be approximated by fitting the tail of the self-energy calculated via normal Dyson equation first: >>> S_iw = inverse(G0_iw) - inverse(G_iw) >>> tail, err = S_iw.fit_hermitian_tail() and then used as input for the Dyson solver: >>> S_iw_dlr, Sigma_HF, residual = minimize_dyson(G0_dlr=G0_dlr, G_dlr=G_dlr, Sigma_moments=tail[0:1]) The input G_dlr can for example obtained via `fit_gf_dlr` from a noisy imaginary time Green's function or by directly setting the DLR mesh points from a full `MeshImFreq` G_iw object: >>> for iwn in G_dlr_iw.mesh: >>> G_dlr_iw[iwn] = G_full_iw(iwn) Parameters ---------- G0_dlr : or non-interacting Green's function defined on a DLR, DLRImTime, or DLRImFreq mesh G_dlr : or interacting Green's function defined on a DLR, DLRImTime, or DLRImFreq mesh Sigma_moments : list of numpy.ndarray or dict of list of numpy.ndarray moments of Σ. The first moment is the Hartree shift, i.e. the constant part of Σ. If provdided, use the second moment as a non-linear constraint for the Dyson solver. method : str, optional optimization method, defaults to 'trust-constr' Note: For non-linear constraints this is one of the few available methods options : dict, optional optimization options, defaults to dict(maxiter=5000, disp=True, gtol=1e-32, xtol=1e-100, finite_diff_rel_step=1e-20) Returns ------- Sigma_DLR : or optimized self-energy defined on a DLRImFreq mesh Sigma_0 : numpy.ndarray Hartree shift residual : float L2 norm of residual (G-G₀-G₀ΣG) """ # recursive call for BlockGf, could be MPI parallelized if isinstance(G_dlr, BlockGf) or isinstance(G0_dlr, BlockGf): assert isinstance(G_dlr, BlockGf) and isinstance(G0_dlr, BlockGf), 'G0_dlr and G_dlr must be both Gf or BlockGf' assert list(G_dlr.indices).sort() == list(G0_dlr.indices).sort(), 'G0_dlr and G_dlr must have the same block structure' Sig_dlr_list = [] Sig_HF_list = {} residual_dict = {} for block, gtau in G_dlr: Sig_dlr, Sig_HF, res = minimize_dyson(G0_dlr[block], G_dlr[block], Sigma_moments[block], method, options, **kwargs) Sig_dlr_list.append(Sig_dlr) Sig_HF_list[block] = Sig_HF residual_dict[block] = res Bgf_Sigma_iw_fit = BlockGf(name_list=list(G_dlr.indices), block_list=Sig_dlr_list) return Bgf_Sigma_iw_fit, Sig_HF_list, residual_dict # initial checks if len(Sigma_moments) > 0: assert G_dlr.target_shape == G0_dlr.target_shape == Sigma_moments.shape[1:], 'number of orbs inconsistent across G, G0, and moments' else: raise ValueError('Provide self-energy moments for the Dyson solver as list of numpy.ndarray or dict of list of numpy.ndarray') # make sure we are working with matrix valued Green's functions if len(G_dlr.target_shape) == 0: G_dlr = Gf(mesh=G_dlr.mesh,, 1, 1)) G0_dlr = Gf(mesh=G0_dlr.mesh,, 1, 1)) Sigma_moments = Sigma_moments.reshape(-1, 1, 1) scalar_output = True else: scalar_output = False # prepare meshes def to_dlr_imfreq(G): if isinstance(G.mesh, (MeshDLRImTime, MeshDLR)): return make_gf_dlr_imfreq(G) elif isinstance(G.mesh, MeshDLRImFreq): return G else: raise ValueError(f'minimize_dyson input Green functions must be defined on MeshDLRImFreq, MeshDLRImTime, or MeshDLR, but got {G.mesh}') g0_iwaa = to_dlr_imfreq(G0_dlr) g_iwaa = to_dlr_imfreq(G_dlr) assert g0_iwaa.mesh == g_iwaa.mesh, f'G0_dlr and G_dlr have incompatible dlr meshes {g0_iwaa.mesh} and {g_iwaa.mesh}' mesh_iw = g_iwaa.mesh # Gf / mat -> vector conversion def flatten(arr): return arr.flatten().view(float) # vector > Gf / mat conversion def unflatten(vec): return vec.view(complex).reshape( # setup constraints if len(Sigma_moments) == 1: constraints = () else: # len(Sigma_moments) >= 2, use only the second moment def constraint_func(x): """ constraint condition: ∑σk = Σ_1 """ temp = Gf(mesh=mesh_iw, data=unflatten(x)) sig = make_gf_dlr(temp) mat = vec = flatten(mat) return vec bound = flatten(Sigma_moments[1]) constraints = NonlinearConstraint(constraint_func, bound, bound) # target function for minimization def dyson_difference(x): """ target function for minimize """ sig_iwaa = Gf(mesh=mesh_iw, data=unflatten(x)) sig_iwaa += Sigma_moments[0] # G - G0 - G0*Σ*G = 0 done on the DLR nodes r_iwaa = g_iwaa - g0_iwaa - g0_iwaa * sig_iwaa * g_iwaa # the Frobeinus norm r = np.sqrt(np.sum(r_iwaa.tau_L2_norm() ** 2)) return r # compute initial guess for Sigma from Dyson equation sig0_iwaa = inverse(g0_iwaa) - inverse(g_iwaa) - Sigma_moments[0] x_init = flatten( # run solver to optimize Σ(iν) solution = minimize(dyson_difference, x_init, method=method, constraints=constraints, options=options) if not solution.success:'[WARNING] Minimization did not converge! Please proceed with caution!') # create optimized self-energy from minimizer sig_iwaa = Gf(mesh=mesh_iw, data=unflatten(solution.x))'L2 norm of residual (G-G₀-G₀ΣG): {}') if len(Sigma_moments) >= 2: constraint_violation = np.max(np.abs(make_gf_dlr(sig_iwaa).data.sum(axis=0) - Sigma_moments[1]))'Σ1 constraint diff: {constraint_violation:.4e}') if scalar_output: return sig_iwaa[0, 0], Sigma_moments[0][0, 0], else: return sig_iwaa, Sigma_moments[0],