
#include <triqs/det_manip/det_manip.hpp>


  1. det_manip (FunctionType F, long init_size)
  2. template<typename ArgumentContainer1, typename ArgumentContainer2>
    det_manip (FunctionType F, ArgumentContainer1 const & X, ArgumentContainer2 const & Y)
  3. det_manip (det_manip<FunctionType> const & )
  4. det_manip (det_manip<FunctionType> && rhs) noexcept


Template parameters

  • ArgumentContainer


  • F The function (NB : a copy is made of the F object in this class).

  • init_size The maximum size of the matrix before a resize (like reserve in std::vector).

    Like std::vector, resize is automatic (by a factor 2) but can yield a performance penalty if it happens too often.

  • X, Y : container for X,Y.