[gf<prod<X,Y,…>>] Multiple variables
Domain & mesh
The domain is a cartesian product of domains.
The mesh is a cartesian product of the corresponding meshes.
Subscript operator
In addition to the general subscript functionality of the Green function, the cartesian product provides the functionality to write expressions such as:
g[x1, x2, ..]
where the xi are mesh points of the respective mesh-component of the cartesian product.
Clef expressions
The subscript operator in clef expression assignment has also been extended to allow for assignments of the kind :
g[_x1, _x2, ..] << g1[y1, _x1] * g2[_x2, y2] * ...
where the _xi are clef placeholders, and yi denote mesh points of the respective meshes of the gi.
Interpolation method
A multidimensional linear interpolation is automatically built from the linear interpolation of the domains.
Data storage
Like single variables gf, the first index of the array is a flattening of the indices of the composite mesh.
HDF5 storage convention
For convenience, in hdf5 files, the arrays has higher dimension, so that the first indices are not flatten. EXPLAIN.
Functional techniques
#include <triqs/gfs.hpp>
#include <triqs/mesh.hpp>
using namespace triqs::gfs;
using namespace triqs;
using nda::clef::placeholder;
int main() {
double beta = 1, tmin = 0, tmax = 1.0;
int n_re_time = 100, n_im_time = 100;
using g_t_tau_s = gf<prod<retime, imtime>, scalar_valued>;
using g_t_tau_m = gf<prod<retime, imtime>, matrix_valued>;
using g_t_tau_t = gf<prod<retime, imtime>, tensor_valued<3>>;
// a scalar valued function
auto m1 = mesh::retime{tmin, tmax, n_re_time};
auto m2 = mesh::imtime{beta, Fermion, n_im_time};
auto g = g_t_tau_s{{m1, m2}};
// a more compact notation
auto g2 = g_t_tau_s{{{tmin, tmax, n_re_time}, {beta, Fermion, n_im_time}}};
// a matrix_valued_version
auto gm = g_t_tau_m{{{tmin, tmax, n_re_time}, {beta, Fermion, n_im_time}}, {2, 2}};
// a tensor_valued_version
auto gt = g_t_tau_t{{{tmin, tmax, n_re_time}, {beta, Fermion, n_im_time}}, {2, 2, 2}};
// a little save in an hdf5 file ?
h5::file file("test_product_gf.h5", 'w');
h5_write(file, "g", g);