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# Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)
# Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
# Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Simons Foundation
# Copyright (c) 2016 Igor Krivenko
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Authors: Weh Andreas, Michel Ferrero, Alexander Hampel, Jonathan Karp, Igor Krivenko, Nils Wentzell

from import Sequence
from itertools import chain, product

import numpy as np

[docs] class Block2Gf: """ Generic Green's Function by two-index Block. """ __array_priority__ = 10000 # Makes sure the operations of this class are applied as priority
[docs] def __init__(self, name_list1, name_list2, block_list, **kwargs): """ * Block2Gf(name_list1, name_list2, block_list, make_copies = False, name = 'G2') * ``name_list1``: list of the first names of the blocks, e.g. ["up","down"]. * ``name_list2``: list of the second names of the blocks, e.g. ["up","down"]. * ``block_list``: can be one of * list of lists of Green's function block objects; dimensions of the outer and inner lists must coincide with lengths of ``name_list1`` and ``name_list2`` respectively; * callable object taking two block names and returning a Green's function block object. * ``make_copies``: if True, it makes a copy of the blocks and build the Green's function from these copies. """ # first extract the optional name argument = kwargs.pop('name','') rename_gf = kwargs.pop('rename_gf',True) make_copies = kwargs.get('make_copies', False) # First a few checks for name_list, var_name in ((name_list1,'name_list1'),(name_list2,'name_list2')): assert name_list, "%s: Empty list of block names" % var_name assert len(set(name_list)) == len(name_list), "%s: block names are not unique" % var_name for bn in name_list: try: hash(bn) except: raise RuntimeError("%s: block name '%s' is not hashable" % (var_name,bn)) for bn in name_list: assert not str(bn).startswith('__'), "%s: block names should not start with __" % var_name assert 'block_names' not in name_list, "%s: 'block_names' is a reserved keyword. It is not authorized as a block name" % var_name self.__indices1, self.__indices2 = tuple(name_list1), tuple(name_list2) self.__GFlist = [] if callable(block_list): for bn1 in name_list1: self.__GFlist.append([]) for bn2 in name_list2: self.__GFlist[-1].append(block_list(bn1,bn2).copy() if make_copies else block_list(bn1,bn2)) elif isinstance(block_list, Sequence): try: assert len(block_list) == len(name_list1), "incorrect outer size of block_list" for g_row in block_list: assert len(g_row) == len(name_list2), "incorrect inner size of block_list" self.__GFlist.append([]) for g in g_row: self.__GFlist[-1].append(g.copy() if make_copies else g) except TypeError: pass else: raise RuntimeError("block_list is not understood, see the documentation") # All blocks must have the same type if len(set([type(g) for g in chain.from_iterable(self.__GFlist)])) != 1: raise RuntimeError("Block2Gf: All block must have the same type") # Add the name to the G if rename_gf: for i,g in self: = "%s_%s"%(str(,i) if else '%s'%(i,)
#------------ copy and construction -----------------------------------------------
[docs] def copy(self,*args): """Returns a (deep) copy of self (i.e. new independent Blocks initialised with self) """ return self.__class__(self.__indices1[:], self.__indices2[:], [[g.copy(*args) for g in g_row] for g_row in self.__GFlist], make_copies=False)
[docs] def view_selected_blocks(self, selected_blocks1, selected_blocks2): """Returns a VIEW of the selected blocks of self, in the same order as self.""" for bn in selected_blocks1: assert bn in self.__indices1, "selected_blocks1: selected blocks must be existing blocks" for bn in selected_blocks2: assert bn in self.__indices2, "selected_blocks2: selected blocks must be existing blocks" return self.__class__ (selected_blocks1, selected_blocks2, lambda bn1, bn2: self[bn1,bn2], make_copies=False)
[docs] def copy_selected_blocks(self, selected_blocks1, selected_blocks2): """Returns a COPY of the selected blocks of self, in the same order as self.""" for bn in selected_blocks1: assert bn in self.__indices1, "selected_blocks1: selected blocks must be existing blocks" for bn in selected_blocks2: assert bn in self.__indices2, "selected_blocks2: selected blocks must be existing blocks" return self.__class__ (selected_blocks1, selected_blocks2, lambda bn1, bn2: self[bn1,bn2], make_copies=True)
[docs] def copy_from(self, G2): """Copy the Green's function from G2: G2 MUST have the same structure!""" assert isinstance(G2, Block2Gf) for (i,g), (i2,g2) in zip(self,G2): assert ==, "Blocks %s and %s of the Green Function do have the same dimension"%(i1,i2) for (i,g),(i2,g2) in zip(self,G2): g.copy_from(g2)
#-------------- Iterators ------------------------- def __iter__(self): return zip(product(self.__indices1, self.__indices2), chain.from_iterable(self.__GFlist)) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _first(self): return self.__GFlist[0][0] def __len__(self): return len(self.__indices1) * len(self.__indices2) #---------------- Properties ------------------------------------------- @property def indices(self): """A generator of the block indices""" for ind in product(self.__indices1, self.__indices2): yield ind @property def indices1(self): """A generator of the first block indices""" for ind in self.__indices1: yield ind @property def indices2(self): """A generator of the second block indices""" for ind in self.__indices2: yield ind @property def all_indices(self): """ An Iterator on Block2Gf indices and indices of the blocks of the form: block_index1,block_index2,n1,n2, where n1,n2 are indices of the block""" for sig, g in self: # A bit hacky... mesh_dim = len(g.mesh.components) if hasattr(g.mesh, 'components') else 1 target_shape =[mesh_dim:] for i in product(*list(map(range, target_shape))): yield (sig[0],sig[1]) + i @property def n_blocks(self): """ Number of blocks""" return len(self) @property def real(self): """A Gf with only the real part of data.""" return Block2Gf(name_list1 = self.__indices1, name_list2 = self.__indices2, block_list = [[g.real for g in g_row] for g_row in self.__GFlist], name = ("Re " + if else '') @property def imag(self): """A Gf with only the imag part of data.""" return Block2Gf(name_list1 = self.__indices1, name_list2 = self.__indices2, block_list = [[g.imag for g in g_row] for g_row in self.__GFlist], name = ("Im " + if else '') #---------------------- IO ------------------------------------- def __reduce__(self): return lambda cl,name,dic: cl.__factory_from_dict__(name, dic), (self.__class__,, self.__reduce_to_dict__()) def __reduce_to_dict__(self): d = {"%s_%s"%bn : g for bn, g in self} d['block_names1'] = list(self.__indices1) d['block_names2'] = list(self.__indices2) return d @classmethod def __factory_from_dict__(cls, name, d): block_names1, block_names2 = tuple(d.pop('block_names1')), tuple(d.pop('block_names2')) d.pop('note','') expected_keys = ["%s_%s" % bn for bn in product(block_names1, block_names2)] assert sorted(expected_keys) == sorted(d.keys()), "Reload mismatch: the indices and the group names do not corresponds" res = cls(block_names1, block_names2, lambda bn1, bn2: d["%s_%s"%(bn1,bn2)], make_copies=False, name=name) return res #-------------- Pretty print ------------------------- def __repr__(self): s = "Green's Function %s composed of %d 2-index blocks: \n"%(,self.n_blocks) for i,g in self: s += " %s \n"%repr(g) return s def __str__ (self): return if else repr(self) #-------------- Bracket operator [] ------------------------- def __getitem__(self,key): try: g = self.__GFlist[self.__indices1.index(key[0])][self.__indices2.index(key[1])] except KeyError: raise IndexError("Block index '" + repr(key) + "' incorrect. Possible indices are: " + repr(list(product(self.__indices1,self.__indices2)))) return g def __setitem__(self,key,val): try: g = self.__GFlist[self.__indices1.index(key[0])][self.__indices2.index(key[1])] except KeyError: raise IndexError("Block index '" + repr(key) + "' incorrect. Possible indices are: "+ repr(list(product(self.__indices1,self.__indices2)))) g << val # -------------- Various operations ------------------------------------- def __lshift__(self, A): """ A can be 2 things: * G << any_init will init all the Block2Gf with the initializer * G << g2 where g2 is a Block2Gf will copy g2 into self """ if isinstance(A, self.__class__): for bn, g in self: g << A[bn] else: for bn, g in self: self[bn] << A[bn] return self def __iadd__(self,arg): if isinstance(arg, self.__class__): for bn, g in self: self[bn] += arg[bn] elif isinstance(arg, Sequence): assert len(arg) == len(self.__GFlist), "list of incorrect length" for l, (bn, g) in zip(arg,self.__GFlist): self[bn] += l else: for bn, g in self: self[bn] += arg return self def __add__(self,y): c = self.copy() c += y return c def __radd__(self,y): return self.__add__(y) def __isub__(self,arg): if isinstance(arg, self.__class__): for bn, g in self: self[bn] -= arg[bn] elif isinstance(arg, Sequence): assert len(arg) == len(self.__GFlist) , "list of incorrect length" for l, (bn, g) in zip(arg,self.__GFlist): self[bn] -= l else: for bn, g in self: self[bn] -= arg return self def __sub__(self,y): c = self.copy() c -= y return c def __rsub__(self,y): c = (-1)*self.copy() c += y return c def __imul__(self,arg): if isinstance(arg, self.__class__): for bn, g in self: self[bn] *= arg[bn] elif isinstance(arg, Sequence): assert len(arg) == len(self.__GFlist) , "list of incorrect length" for l, (bn, g) in zip(arg,self.__GFlist): self[bn] *= l else: for bn, g in self: self[bn] *= arg return self def __mul__(self,y): if isinstance(y, self.__class__): block_list = [] for i1, name1 in enumerate(self.__indices1): block_list.append([]) for i2, name2 in enumerate(self.__indices2): block_list[i1].append(self[(name1, name2)] * y[(name1, name2)]) c = Block2Gf(name_list1=self.__indices1, name_list2=self.__indices2, block_list=block_list) else: c = self.copy() c *= y return c def __rmul__(self,x): return self.__mul__(x) def __itruediv__(self,arg): if isinstance(arg, Sequence): assert len(arg) == len(self.__GFlist) , "list of incorrect length" for l, (bn, g) in zip(arg,self.__GFlist): self[bn] /= l else: for bn, g in self: self[bn] /= arg return self def __truediv__(self,y): c = self.copy() c /= y return c def __neg__(self): c = self.copy() c *= -1 return c #-----------------------------plot protocol ----------------------------------- def _plot_(self, opt_dict): """ Implement the plot protocol""" r = [] for bn, g in self: initial_dict = opt_dict.copy() r += g._plot_(initial_dict), name_kept =, opt_dict.pop('name', first_g_name = self._first().name ylabel = r[0]['ylabel'].replace(first_g_name, if first_g_name else for dic in r: dic['ylabel'] = ylabel # replace the ylabel of the elements to a single ylabel = name_kept return r #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def zero(self): for i,g in self:
def __check_attr(self,attr): if not hasattr(self._first(), attr): raise RuntimeError("The blocks of this Green's Function do not possess the %s method" % attr)
#--------------------------------------------------------- from h5.formats import register_class register_class(Block2Gf)