#include <triqs/gfs/block_gf.hpp>
block_gf<Mesh, Target, Arity> & operator= (block_gf<Mesh, Target, Arity> const & rhs) block_gf<Mesh, Target, Arity> & operator= (lazy<tag::reduce, block_gf<Mesh, Target, Arity>::const_view_type> l) template<typename RHS>block_gf<Mesh, Target, Arity> & operator= (RHS && rhs)
1) ————— Operator = ——————–
2) Assignment operator overload specific for mpi::lazy objects (keep before general assignment)
3) Assignment operator
Template parameters
RHS Type of the right hand side rhs
RHS can be anything modeling the gf concept TBW In particular lazy expression with Green functions
l The lazy object returned by reduce
rhs The assignment resizes the mesh and the data, invalidating all pointers on them.