
#include <triqs/gfs/block_gf.hpp>


  1. block_gf<Mesh, Target, Arity> & operator= (block_gf<Mesh, Target, Arity> const & rhs)
  2. block_gf<Mesh, Target, Arity> & operator= (lazy<tag::reduce, block_gf<Mesh, Target, Arity>::const_view_type> l)
  3. template<typename RHS>
    block_gf<Mesh, Target, Arity> & operator= (RHS && rhs)


1) ————— Operator = ——————–

2) Assignment operator overload specific for mpi::lazy objects (keep before general assignment)

3) Assignment operator

Template parameters

  • RHS Type of the right hand side rhs

    RHS can be anything modeling the gf concept TBW In particular lazy expression with Green functions


  • l The lazy object returned by reduce

  • rhs The assignment resizes the mesh and the data, invalidating all pointers on them.